A error occurred when I defined "NormalMapping normal"( used for manaing relative shader ) in my OpenGLApp class. The compiler return error message "access violation at location 00000000 ".
The error message seems to indicate that I had invoked some gl-function before invoking glewInit. So I tried to find where I had behaved like that. Then I found that I have define " OpenGLApp app " before invoking glewInit function. And it automatically constructed object "normal" who automatically initialized shader in its constructor which need to invoke glLinkProgram and so on.
1.I recalled that the use of class pointer in others' code. So I replace the definition "NormalMap normal" by NormalMap* normal and add a statement "normal = new NormalMap()" after invoking glewInit. Then the program work fine.
2.Anothe solution would be OK. Such as putting the definition of app after invoking glewInit.
When defining a class pointer,the object is not defined before the statement "pointer = new Class()". So the constructor would not be called when just define a class pointer. But if define a objec, the constructor is called automatically meanwhile. So it is better to use class pointer to avoid invoking some function before relative library initialized.